Little slices of truth to be long savored – Pete Seeger
We make documentaries about the unique people and places of the American West and beyond. Each film is a hand-crafted portrait of a person, a place, or a culture that are too easily overlooked in the bustle of today’s pop culture life. Our independent films feature people like poet Wilma Elizabeth McDaniel (Down an Old Road), environmentalist Ken Sleight (The Unfinished Fight of Seldom Seen Sleight), musician Kenny Hall (I Hear What You See), explorer Kent Frost (My Canyonlands), and music fanatic Chris Strachwitz (This Ain’t No Mouse Music!). The work for non-profits ranges from cowboy poetry and crafts to steel drums in Trinidad and beyond. We hope you enjoy them all!
Down an
Old RoadMy Canyonlands I Hear What
You SeeThis Ain’t No Mouse

Our latest film, The Unfinished Fight of Seldom Seen Sleight, is a portrait of environmentalist Ken Sleight and his quest to free the Colorado River.
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